Monday, April 5, 2010

Pollen all over my shoes - Carrizo National Plains, California

Decided to go on an impromptu trip up to the Carrizo National Plain for Easter to peek at some wildflowers. All romantically, I thought it would be a glorious idea to take my car so we could have the top down and stroll through the fields. I didn't quite take into account that it was hours away. To add insult to injury, hours of driving on a horrendously bumpy roads full of rocks and dirt were what awaited us once we arrived. 

We weren't able to drive into the mountain range because the roads were not ACTUALLY roads (slightly trodden path would be a better explanation). Since we were not in a 4x4, we stuck to the main road(road, haha) and just explored the yellow flowers around us, tried to make friends with cows, and laughed at our bad luck. It was still a beautiful drive, even if it was poorly planned and way too long of a drive.

It smelled fantastic, and the absolute quiet in the fields is breathtaking. It was sunny and rainy all in one day.. which makes for great photo opportunities.


  1. OMG, I love these, they are so beautiful love!!!!!!!!!!!! The "glow" effect is awesome, and the colors are perfect!
