Sunday, August 9, 2009


I am the new intern at Buddy System Studios, which is a place full of awesomeness and stop motion goodness.

I know it seems like it's been awhile since I posted any progress on the music video, and that's because it's basically done but I can't post the final version here. You will have to wait until the band puts it up online, when I will promptly publish a link to take you all to see it.


  1. Congrats! From their reel it looks like you'll get a chance to work on some fairly interesting stuff. Well done!


    maybe Ill get ta meet ya one of these days....
    I try to get over there for lunch every now and then.

    Those guys are serious pros in Quality.


  3. I know! Their stuff looks so top notch - I'm lucky just be abe to watch them animate. I am generally one of the only females around, so if you see a dark haired twentysomethin', it's probably me.

  4. gratz! so cool that you get to work there. Looks like a cool place to work. :)

  5. Congrats! I interned over there with them a few months back. It was great fun. They are cool people! Tell them Charlie Pieper says hello!

