Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ta da!

EDIT: Hey folks- I needed to take own the video online because the band Minster Hill is gearing up to release their new batch of songs and promotion for the song and video.. be patient! You will be able to see it again in the future and possibly buy a full quality version of it through the band. Til then, just enjoy the demo reel :)

Here it is! I wish you could see the full quality here, but the internet is not a friendly place to the quality of video... this is better than youtube though.

Howard, please make any notes for what you would like changed or adjusted with approximate minutes and seconds so I know where you are talking about. Hope you enjoy!


  1. Hi Vanessa,

    That a lot of work in a short period of time, very cool how do you feel about it now its finished ?


  2. GREAT Work!!!

    you finished and thanks for shareing it with us all.


  3. it won't seem to load for me - dunno why :(


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks!
    Graeme- I feel pretty happy with how it turned out in such a short amount of time. I am really critical of what I do-so of course I always see the imperfections.. and I wish it was smoother overall- but it's only my second stop motion film so I know there are improvements that come with practice.

    Marnik- Sorry it won't load! try the Youtube version, just type in "playdohartist" and all my films should come up.. do'nt forget to click on High quality!

  6. oops i forget to comment again earlier - i looked it straight up on youtube after i commented on here - really fantastic! keep going, can't wait to see whats next!


  7. Hi Vanessa,
    What have you got planned for next ? Your work is very imaginative and as I think I mentioned before quite 'Quayish' :)


  8. Thank you Graeme! I loved the Brothers Quay, so it's an honor for you to see an influence by them, I don't have anything specific planned next. I am always hunting for freelance jobs like this one, but it's a rare opportunity to find such a fun one to work on. Next I am trying to find an animation studio to work in, then in a bit I will probably start working on a personal project- nothing in stone yet :) Mostly I will be working on other art in between...like my photography and drawing.

  9. Hi! My name is Charles Pieper and I am a stop motion animator as well! I just came across your stuff from random searching. Wowzers! This is awesome...I love your design work and lighting and set design and all! Very creepy, very tactile, super cool. I really dug it!


  10. A lot in here. A lot to check that there is too little to spend time saying much.
